A blue circle with a white eye inside of it.



Every day we consider ourselves blessed to be able to help our patients improve and preserve the precious gift of vision.  It is a passion of ours and it inspires us to want to do more for both our local community and beyond.  

The Focal Pointe Eye Care team takes great pride in giving back through our actions and we hope it inspires others to do the same.  Here are just a few of the ways we are involved
  • Vision screening for Upspring youth campers
  • Co-Chair -Foundation Fighting Blindness VisionWalk 2018
  • Infantsee- free vision screening for infants ages six to twelve months
  • Providing Low Vision Services at Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI)
  • Providing ongoing educational presentations to eye care professionals, patients and community. 
  • Mission trip to Nicaragua to provide vision services to thousands of individuals. 

Vision Screening for Upspring Youth Campers is a Cincinnati non-profit organization that provides educational opportunities for area homeless children. In June 2019, Focal Pointe Eye Care loaded up their equipment and spent a day providing vision screening for 42 youth campers aged 5 to 14. 42 children received vision care and half of those received glasses donated by The Essilor Group to correct their vision.


In 2008, right before opening Focal Pointe Eye Care and the birth of his first child, Dr. Lyons took the opportunity to provide eye care services in Nicaragua. The VOSH team served thousands of Nicaraguan people in just under a week, providing eye health exams and dispensing donated glasses when needed. “This was truly an experience I will never forget,” says Dr. Lyons of the trip. “This was a time in my life that revolved around change, both personally and professionally. Making the time and effort to travel to another nation in need for care was rewarding and humbling. The Nicaraguan culture that embraced us will forever leave an impression.” Dr. Lyons is looking forward to his next mission trip that will include his entire family.


Dr. Lyons is active in the education of patients, optometrists, and ophthalmologists. Click here to view an abbreviated list of his educational programs.
Eye Health and Healthy Living – The Golden Years Seminars
West Chester Hospital, November 23, 2013 and December 4, 2013
“Herpes: From Simplex to Zoster”
American Academy of Optometry, October 25, 2013
“Herpes: From Simplex to Zoster”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, September 24, 2013
“Boost Your Practice with Slit Lamp Photography”
Reliance Medical, October 17, 2013
“Meaningful Use (Less) Update”, “You’re Putting What in My Eye?”, “Scleral Lens Case Studies: Not Your Average Cornea”, and “The Infectious Contact Lens”
Opticians Association of Ohio, February 24, 2013 and October 13, 2013
“Update on the Primary Care Initiative”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, October 23, 2012
“Scleral Lenses: Troubleshooting Tips for Jupiter Scleral Lenses”
• Essilor Laboratories Webinar, May 2012
“Scleral Lenses: Fitting Your Not So Average Corneas”
“Acanthamoeba: The Infection You Don’t Want to Miss”
“Herpes: From Simplex to Zoster” and “Non-Surgical Management of Irregular Corneas”
Opticians Association of Ohio, October 2, 2011
“Boost Your Practice with Slit Lamp Photography”
Reliance Medical, August 2011
“Herpes: From Simplex to Zoster” and “Management of Uveitic Glaucoma”
“Non-Surgical Management of Corneal Deformities Part 2”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, March 22, 2011
“Non-Surgical Management of Corneal Deformities Part 1”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, October 26, 2010
“Herpes: From Simplex to Zoster” and “Boost Your Practice with Slit Lamp Photography”
SECO International, Atlanta, February 13, 2010
“Management of Uveitic Glaucoma”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, June 23, 2009
“Management of Anterior Uveitis”
• University of Cincinnati Optometric Grand Rounds, November 27, 2007
“Acanthamoeba Keratitis – Case Study CM”
• Greater Cincinnati Optometric Society, July 31, 2007
“Uveitic Glaucoma”
• Greater Cincinnati Optometric Society, October 10, 2006
“Acanthamoeba Keratitis on the Rise”
• University of Cincinnati Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, March 29, 2006
“Anterior Uveitis”
• Ohio State University College of Optometry, May 25, 2006
“Restasis and Dry Eyes”
• Greater Cincinnati Optometric Society, February 28, 2006
• Sponsored by Allergan
“Contact Lens Advances: Fitting the Normal Cornea”
• The University of Cincinnati Corneal Symposium 2004
• Hosted by Adam Kaufman, M.D., and Edward Holland, M.D.
“Meaningful Use (Less) Update”, “You’re Putting What in My Eye?”, “Scleral Lens Case Studies: Not Your Average Cornea”, and “The Infectious Contact Lens”
• Opticians Association of Ohio, April 27, 2014.
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